Stable, Comfortable teeth
Implant Surgery and Restoration
A smile is of great importance in how we present ourselves
to others.
Good-looking teeth can take years off your
appearance and improve your confidence.
Fortunately there is a modern and permanent solution to
tooth loss: DENTAL IMPLANTS. Dental implants have been used
for decades. By now many dentists and dental surgeons have
gained an excellent understanding of the complexities of
implant placement techniques.
Dentures and removable bridges may cause
problems, for example they can be loose and unstable.
Whether patients have lost all of their teeth or just a few,
implants are an ideal solution providing a dental
replacement that works and is aesthetically pleasing.
what is a dental implant?
A dental implant is a replacement for a missing natural
tooth root.
When an implant is placed surgically, growth of new bone and gum
around it bonds the implant firmly in place
(osseointegration). This allows for the placement of a
natural looking artificial crown / bridge / denture to be
attached to it.
The final
result is a strong, stable tooth that looks just
like a natural tooth.
what are dental implants made of?
Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a
biocompatible metal that is also used in joint replacements.
Because of the compatibility, the jawbone grows around the
implant making it firm and stable.
Advantages of dental implants over dentures or bridges
create an attractive, natural-looking smile.
Implants look and feel like you own teeth. They prevent bone
loss and gum from receding.
They restore lost lip support
and can minimize wrinkles around the mouth.
Tooth-saving: Implants do not influence the quality of
your adjacent teeth.
Fixes bridges are faster to complete,
but the adjacent teeth need to be filed down, with the risk
of future nerve and root complications.
Denture clasps hook
on teeth and can eventually loosen them or cause cavities.
Improved quality of life:
implants are comfortable and feel like natural teeth.
Implants secure dentures from large movements and allows you
to speak and eat with comfort. They eliminate the pain,
discomfort and restrictions of
ill-fitting dentures.
After the healing period, the success rate of dental
implants is between 94% and 98%.
If you are a non-smoker
with good oral hygiene, the percentage is closer to 98%.
Nothing is 100% predictable.
Oral hygiene:
No specialized care is required
after the procedure. Oral hygiene for dental implants is
the same as natural teeth: brushing, flossing, and
periodic checkups. Implant-supported dentures can easily
be removed for cleaning purposes.
Am I a
candidate for dental implants?
Hoffmeyer, as your periodontist, will evaluate if you are a
Your are probably a good canditate if you
have good general health, adequate oral hygiene, healthy
gums, no periodontal disease and enough bone structure to
support the implant.
If not, Dr.
Hoffmeyer can advise and help you, if possible, to achieve the
optimal oral condition for implants.
Generally, uncontrolled diabetics and cancer
patients who have recently received radiation therapy are
not good candidates. Any other medical condition is usually
not a contraindication for dental implant treatment.
How can
my periodontist help me?
implants are connected with gum and bone tissue.
Since a
periodontist is the dental expert with special knowledge,
training and experience in precisely these areas, they are
ideal members of your dental implant team together with your
general dentist.
In addition, Dr. Hoffmeyer has been a general dentist since
1988 and has worked with implants since then. With her
communicative and friendly style she can discuss your unique
concerns and goals.
Let Dr. Hoffmeyer and your general dentist
help you make your dental wishes come true.
Maintenance of dental implants
treatment, Dr. Hoffmeyer as your periodontist will work
closely with you and your dentist to develop the best care
plan for you.
Periodic follow-up visits will be scheduled to
monitor your implant, teeth and gums to make sure they are
Implants typically should be cleaned professionally
and examined every three to four months.
Remember, daily
brushing and flossing are necessary for long-term success.
What factors contribute to the long-term success of an
Success of a
dental implant will depend on the quality of the bone, your
oral hygiene, your overall health condition, smoking and
your bite (clenching of teeth).
Dental Implants become fixed to the jawbone. Studies show
that under the right conditions, dental implants
have been in patient’s mouths for over 30 years.
there a risk of rejection?
Implants are
highly predictable with numerous studies reporting success
rates above 90% on traditionally placed implants. Implants
placed at the time of tooth extraction (“same-day-teeth”)
and with immediate bite and usage may be at higher risk of
Dental implants are made of titanium, which is
compatible with body tissues and integrates with the
surrounding bone.
If an implant fails, it is most likely not
a rejection or infection phenomenon. It is due to the fact
that the bone does not grow into the implant treads, it is
therefore loose and cannot be used. The implant is then
removed and replaced.
there an age limitation ?
is no upper age limitation. Anyone at any age can
have dental implants as long as there is enough bone
available in which to place the implant.
patients under the age of 20 years old may not be
candidates, due to the active growth of their jaw.
Surgical and restorative procedure
Dental implant placement is accomplished in several steps
over a period of time (approximately 6 months).
Tooth removal is performed and the area evaluated for
immediate implant placement.
If there is not enough bone or
tissue the implant is placed after a healing period of about
6-8 weeks.
A small titanium post is precisely and gently anchored
into the patient’s jawbone, recreating a natural tooth root.
The surgery is not painful. Anesthesia eliminates pain
during the placement of implants.
A mild
discomfort experienced after the surgery can be controlled
with over-the-counter medications.
A liquid diet is usually
required same day after implant surgery. A soft diet may be in
order the following few days. Most often you can usually can eat most
foods fairly soon. Let Dr. Hoffmeyer's advise and your comfort be your guide.
Typically, you
can return to work the very next day.
You may have to
keep your dentures
out the day of treatment, but, thereafter, you can wear your
dentures throughout your treatment.
After sufficient healing time depending on amount and
quality of bone and procedure (can range from 2-9 months,
but most frequent is 2-4 months), a minor surgery
is performed to uncover the implants and attach another
titanium piece, called an “abutment”. The gum is allowed to
heal for 2 weeks.
There are some implants that do not
require this second stage because the extension piece is
already attached. Dr. Hoffmeyer will advice you which system
will be used.
Finally, a porcelain crown is cemented to this abutment.
Only the crown is visible, as the implant looks, feels, and
functions as a natural tooth.
The same procedure with minor
variations is performed when bridge and dentures are placed.
- - For more information see the end of this page
- -
Patients can have dental implants placed and leave with
stable teeth the same day.
Also known as "Immediate Function Implants", "Same Day
Teeth" eliminate the 4-6 month implant integration period
usually required before new teeth can be placed.
Far from all patients, however,
are good candidates for “Same Day Teeth.”
Dr. Hoffmeyer will
advise you.
bone grafts
If the
implant site does not have enough bone volume to support the
appropriate sized implant, you will need a bone graft. Bone
loss can be the result from periodontal disease, injuries,
cysts, infections or an extracted tooth.
Normally, it can be
determined if you will need a bone graft from your x-ray
prior to surgery, but in some cases it is not discovered
until opening the implant site.
grafts are very safe and effective in the dental implant
restoration. Once it is placed, it will help replace missing
bone, stimulate bone formation and increase bone volume.
regrowing your lost bone / Guided Bone regeneration
Bone loss due to various reasons (periodontal disease, tooth
extraction, etc.) can often be regrown by simple predictable
techniques in order to provide support for implants or
dentures or to facilitate an esthetic result under fixed
This bone regeneration is done by using membrane barriers
over bone grafts (calcium). Your own bone grows into the
bone graft and with time this bone graft material is
resorbed and eliminated by you body while replaced by your
own bone.
Most often a self dissolving type of membrane is utilized
and it will be gone a few weeks after surgery. Sometimes it
is necessary to use a non-dissolving membrane which has to
be removed at a second minor surgery after a few months.
This procedure takes 15 minutes.
This method is highly predictable and results in increase of
bone at the site where jaw bone was lost. The result is a
possibility of placing implants, providing greater stability
for dentures or improving esthetics under bridge or around
implant crowns.
age and years of boneloss are not negative factors for
Procedure duration:
Surgery: 1-1½ hours depending on case.
Suture removal after 7-10 days: 15 minutes.
Check up visits at 3 and 4-5 weeks: 15 minutes.
X-ray at about 6-10 months to evaluate the amount of new
bone growth.
sinus augmentation
/ sinus
Floor elevation / sinus lift
Osteotome sinus Lift
When the upper back teeth are lost and
have to be replaced by implants an x-ray may show that the
sinus is too low for proper placement of dental implants.
Simple procedures such as "sinus augmentation / sinus floor
elevation / sinus lift" and "osteotome sinus lift" might be necessary.
Sinus floor elevation
is done by accessing the
sinus from the side of the upper jaw. This is usually
necessary when several implants need to be placed or a
significant bone loss is present.
Osteotome sinus lift is done by
a more conservative and simple
pushing-up of the floor of the sinus from the extracted tooth site.
The implant is usually placed during the same visit and
therefore saves therapy time by many months.
Various grafting materials are used to
encourage your bone to grow more quickly into the area,
helping to stabilize the implant. These grafting materials
are replaced by your own bone as it grows into the area. If
the first sinus floor elevation procedure does not result in enough bone for
implant placement, additional bone may be regenerated
through a second sinus augmentation procedure at the time
the implants are placed.
Depending on the amount of you own bone
in the area, the implants may be placed at the time of sinus
lift or after approximately 6-10 months when the bone has
When the implant is placed a crown can usually be ready
approximately 8-12 weeks after.
Surgery: 1-1½ hour per
side. Suture removal after 7-10 days: 15 minutes.
Check up visits at 3 and 4-5 weeks: 15 minutes.
X-ray at about 6-10 months after sinus lift and/or at about
8-12 weeks after implant placement.
Sinus lifts are highly predictable for
healthy patients (approx 95% success rate). Nothing is 100%
predictable !!!
how much does
it cost?
Is financing available ?
The cost is determined by several factors: the number and
type of dental implant needed, the amount of bone loss and the type of final dental
implant-supported teeth of choise. In your private
consultation with Dr. Hoffmeyer, she will first review your
X-rays and perform an oral examination. She will then be able
to discuss your specific treatment plan, length of
treatment, and total treatment fee.
Dr. Hoffmeyer understands that the cost may be of a concern
to you. If you are interested you can apply for a one-year interest fee financing option
(through a bank) or a discount for cash payment made
prior to dental implant treatment.
types of treatment
Patient cases
(site is still under development)
This diagram shows the
resemblance between a natural tooth and the implant.
Tooth (left) - Implant
(right) |
When placing crowns / bridges / dentures Dr. Hoffmeyer and
your referring doctor take into account tooth color and size
as well as other features to ensure that your teeth are as
realistic looking as possible and as close to your wishes as
possible. If you have a photo from earlier in life when you
had your own teeth, you may consider bringing it to the
dental office to aid the dental work.
replacing one
single tooth
• crown on implant
A natural tooth is anchored into the jawbone by its tooth
root. Tooth roots attach firmly to the jawbone and keep your
teeth stable when chewing solid foods.
Traditionally, if you were missing a tooth (or one needed to
be extracted), the healthy teeth on either side of the
missing tooth would be cut down and the whole thing replaced
with a three-crown “bridge”.
Dental Implants are the modern alternative. Instead of
cutting down two perfectly good teeth, a dental post (Dental
Implant) is inserted into the jawbone to replace your
missing tooth root. This post becomes quite solidly fixed in
your jaw (like a natural tooth root). Your General Dentist
then places a crown onto this artificial tooth root that
looks, feels, and functions like your natural teeth.
Quite simply, Dental Implants are the most natural
replacement for missing teeth.
Removal of primary (baby) tooth and
replacement with implant |
replacing several missing teeth
• crowns and bridges
on implants
Traditionally, several missing teeth would have been
replaced with a removable partial or full denture.
Dentures have to be taken out and soaked at night.
During the day, they can also look unnatural and rub
painfully. Dentures and partials make it difficult or
impossible to eat certain foods.
Dental Implants can now be used to anchor partial and
full dentures.
This prevents the slipping, irritation, and pain
associated with “floating” partials and dentures. It
also prevents the tedious removal of dentures for
overnight soaking and cleaning. With Dental Implants,
these restorations are anchored firmly into the jawbone
becoming much more like natural teeth.
Natural tooth roots and dental implant posts are fixed
firmly in your jawbone. When you chew, these tooth roots
and posts stimulate the jawbone and prevent it from
shrinking. You may have seen a person who looked
prematurely old because their jawbone had shrunk after
wearing floating dentures. Dental Implants help preserve
your jawbone and appearance.
Replacing all missing teeth
• full arch fixed bridge on implants
Implant bridges are comfortable, effective bridges,
which can either be removable or fixed and fit
discreetly over implants, allowing for maximum support
and stability.
replacing all missing teeth
• removable denture on implants
Implant-supported dentures attach a customized denture
to an individual implant or a row of implants, securing
the denture in place. Working together, the denture and
implant increase speaking and chewing ability. They are
also very discreet in appearance, are long lasting and
are quite durable. The denture only has to be removed
during the minutes it takes for regular daily oral
hygiene (cleaning of implants, denture and any remaining
Dentures that are
not secure and stable may fall out and cause
embarassing moments. |